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Education backs business? Or business backs education? Or the two back each other? None of these questions have a positive answer as Education itself is transforming at a rapid pace into a business and this pace of transformation is inversely proportional to the quality of education.Far gone are the days when the focus of education …

Guest Post By: Judith Wright The benefits of sports and physical activity are many. If you have pursued sports in school or college, chances are that you will continue to remain active in later life as well. Physical activity helps you have an active lifestyle, achieve healthy weight goals, stay away from diseases and enjoy …

Checklist That Audit Companies Need To Follow

The job of an audit company is to flag the potential existing noncompliance issues so that the business house can take certain steps in the form of corrective action. However, company audit is a huge responsibility and it completely rests on the shoulders of a reliable audit firm. There have been instances when such responsibilities …

Social Media and Crowdsourcing: Siamese Twins That Work Wonders For Startups

Social media and crowdsourcing are the two buzzwords that have long spelled the difference between success and failure for startups. But what make these two essentially vital for startups are their uncanny similarities and the set of benefits they offer. No wonder, many new-age tycoons, technology barons and media pundits strongly believe that social media …

Freelancing as a career is celebrated for being the most efficient way of taking control of your own career and professional destiny. You have the freedom of place and the time for the most part, and this freedom is what attracts people of different trades to this type of career whether they are writers, artists, …

You cannot control everything and you cannot avert untoward instances when your shipment can get damaged or be compromised. But untoward incidents are rare and they are becoming increasingly rarer. In most cases, packages in transit get damaged due to one of the many avertable reasons. When you hire an international courier to send your …

Kadjar Renault: Renault Mulhouse’s partnership between the communications agency Mars Rouge for the « Grand Mulhouse Trail Urbain ». Sunday, October 11, 2015, the second edition of « Grand Mulhouse Trail Urbain » initiated by Gérard Mergy will run 12.6 kilometers on the streets of Mulhouse. Over 1,000 participants are expected. On this occasion, Renault Mulhouse, Renault’s local’s dealer …

It’s relatively common knowledge these days that while fashion trends come and go, true style is timeless. The most influential gurus in the fashion world are more than aware of this which is exactly why new season trends come and go so quickly, but at the same time every single one of them would happily …

With the help of internet you can buy anything you want to buy. There are a lot of e-commerce websites which have been launched lately which can be used for buying T shirts online. All the websites have their mobile applications which allow a user to buy whatever they want to buy with just a …

No matter how good of a reporter you are, chances are that you will become grounded when you are in unfamiliar territories. Fortunately, the magic of outsourcing makes it simple to get high quality reporting just like your own with no pressure and hustle. Whether you are doing this for a project or personal interest, …

Vinyl Flooring – Good Reasons To Opt For This Kind Of Flooring Option

If you have been thinking of rejuvenating the look and feel of your home for a long time, you must have considered the different flooring options. Well yes, apart from the more common options of changing the interior look of your home or adding a new coat of paint, renewing the flooring can also be …

Essay writing is an essential and vitally important part of any level of education, whether you are in your first year of high school or your last year of college. Though some people find the structure and content of an essay extremely easy to master and produce, others struggle with the form and often look …