5 Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Home In Tip-Top Shape

5 Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Home In Tip-Top Shape

Owning your first home is a huge milestone in your life. This milestone also comes with a lot of responsibility. You’re now in charge of all the maintenance within your home, and for new homeowners, there can be a lot to learn. Things like plumbing and carbon monoxide monitors and gutters and HVAC systems are all things you’ve probably never been responsible for until now. Good news, a lot of these maintenance tasks can easily be accomplished with the help of a few internet searches.

You have to keep up your home the same way you keep up your appearance or your car. Constantly check in to guarantee all the systems are functioning properly. Your home should feel like a sanctuary of comfort and safety. And it takes some work from you to keep up that high-quality living space. While this can all seem overwhelming, it’s easy to break down your work by weeks, months, or even seasons. Keep reading for a comprehensive list of tips to keep your home in tip-top shape.

Keep Ahead of the Problem

One way to keep your house in good working order is to take some preventative measures. If you invest in a high-quality product upfront, it will last for longer. So splurge on the heavy-duty paint for your windows and invest in energy-saving light fixtures from the start. Making the effort upfront makes for a more positive experience later.

Let’s face it, the exterior of your house is going to see some wear and tear from the weather. So prepare for it! If you live in an area where hail storms are frequent, don’t buy a roof that will need to be replaced after every little bit of damage. Start out with impact resistant shingles that can prevent wind, rain, and hail damage to your roof and shingles. Class four resistant shingles give you a more resistant roof that won’t require replacing after high winds or extreme weather. Experts work tirelessly to bring you the best asphalt shingles at a good price to ensure the roof over your head is safe and durable.

Check Filters and Batteries

An easy task for homeowners is simply performing routine checks You may not give much thought to your heating and AC units throughout the day, but once a month you should be checking your filters. Dust and debris can easily enter these units, so in order to guarantee a healthy airflow from your room air conditioner, it‘s of the highest importance to be checking and replacing your filters. This is a simple task and a small expense that helps you save on air conditioner repair in the future.

Another area to check consistently is your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Your health and safety should be your number one priority in your home, and keeping these systems fully operational is paramount to maintaining your safety.

Watch for Leaky Spots

There are many systems you may take for granted initially in your home. Plumbing, for example. When everything is working well, you don’t even notice, but the second something starts leaking or refuses to flush, you have a major problem on your hands. About once a month, walk through your home and check for any plumbing problems like leaks or water damage. Also flushing lesser-used toilets and running all your faucets can help keep these systems up and running as they’re supposed to be.

Do a Deep Clean

Perhaps the simplest tip to keeping your house in great shape is to keep it clean. A few times a year, do an extensive deep clean. Germs and dirt can grow on surfaces you don’t normally give attention to. Deep cleaning eliminates those germs and keeps your house in tip-top shape for longer.

Touch Up Your Exterior

While you live inside your home, the outside deserves some love as well. So touch up your exterior. Paint your front door, check that your garage is fully functional, and keep your gutters cleaned. The exterior represents what is inside, so it’s a good idea to make your exterior look beautiful and function properly.

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