Is Indian Distance Learning MBA valid & considered in developed countries?
After accomplishing the graduation program, most of us make a decision to render a job. Sometimes, it becomes quite difficult for us to continue the regular MBA program. Distance Learning MBA program may play a vital role in developing our career as well as ensuring our good position in reputed organization. However, there are a large number of advantages of having a Distance MBA program. Advantages of the Distance MBA programs are disclosed hereunder:
When a person takes an admission in the distance learning universities, they may provide precise synopsizes recorded videos as well as books. An individual may read those synopsizes as well as books, when he prefers. In the morning, he can manage a few hours for his study and even after his service.
In India, most of the Distance learning universities charge around Rs 10000 per semester. As a result it is quite affordable for a person to continue his Distance MBA program. The most amazing matter is that those programs consist of 4-6 semesters. As these programs cost less than the regular MBA, a person can easily take the decision 0f getting a distance MBA program.
Lateral entry is the opportunity of getting admitted directly to third semester, if a person has already taken a post graduate diploma and lateral entry is not going to let anyone’s post-graduate diploma unnoticed. This is the unique opportunity and is not available in the regular MBA program.
Distance MBA programs are the easiest kind of programs in which students get the flexibility of time. There are a large number of Distance learning institutions in India and most of them are providing certifications in various fields. Most of the candidates desire to upgrade their qualification, in order to develop their career and Distance MBA programs may play a vital role in this regard. In the Distance mode, students are free to achieve their degree, without attending classes.
Different Distance learning organizations of India are offering a wide range of part time programs like Distance MBA, BCA as well as MCA. Students feel comfortable as well as flexible with their Distance Education mode. They also allow candidates in the online learning. As a result, they can ensure their secure position in a well-known organization.
Distance learning education of India is valid as well as highly valued among the developed countries. Most of the Distance learning organization emphasize on the interpersonal skills of the candidates. As a result, they can explore their potential. However, DDE, Pondicherry University is one of the famous distance learning organizations in India. It has become a globally benchmarked institution, which is always ready to take care of the talents. DDE, Pondicherry University has quality as well as experienced professional body that attributes the resourceful as well as efficient learning techniques. They offer MBA programs in various sectors like distance MBA in Finance in infrastructure as well as construction, aviation management, supply chain management, Risk and Insurance, wealth management, family business management, information technology etc.
Advantages Of Having A Distance MBA Program In India