Should I Hire Seasonal Workers After The Holidays?
Holiday shopping is the bread and butter for many retail stores across America. This huge increase in sales necessitates the need for more employees. Many stores hire seasonal employees that are expected to work through the holiday season and then will be let go. However, some of these seasonal employees go on to be full-time …

The Pros and Cons Of Crowdsourced Software Testing
Software testing is an ongoing process that can require a lot of man power. Additionally, there is no one right, or fool-proof, way of testing a software application to ensure that it is as debugged and effectively operative as possible. For these reasons, software developers and software implementers alike are always looking for new ways …

5 Things You Need To Know About The Health Insurance Marketplace Website
The deadline to get the Health Insurance Marketplace up and running was October 1. If you’re uninsured, you may be wondering about the Marketplace and what it will take to get signed up for insurance. The good news is there is a wealth of information available on everything from how much time and how much …

How Important Is Technology To The Field Of Education?
Think about how often you use technology in your career. Now think about the fact that technology is not used as much as it should be in education. It seems ironic, doesn’t it? The truth is education is the last thing on many schools’ budgets. However, there are so many ways technology can be used …

The Latest Baby Boom Is Larger Than Expected – Will Education Suffer?
With any government program, there are only so many benefits to go around. A recent baby boom that proved bigger than expected has caused government programs to come under pressure and may leave hundreds of thousands of children out of free educational programs. What went wrong and how will this affect children and families? How …

Selling Your Home In Buyer’s Market? 5 Things You Can Do To Get The Best Deal
The real estate market certainly fluctuates and it can do so rather quickly. In a seller’s market, those selling homes often have the upper hand because there tend to be less homes meeting buyer criteria than there are actual buyers. In a buyer’s market, though, the sellers definitely lose ground and often find themselves negotiating …

Hot Tech Toys You Should Be Watching For This Fall
Tech geeks love new high-tech toys, and this fall promises some exciting new offerings for techies of all ages. Are you in need of a tech fix? Here are some hot tech toys you should be watching for this fall: Smartwatch There have been rumors for months that Apple would be the first to introduce …

What’s The Relationship Between Liquidity and Small Cap Value Stocks?
Generally speaking, small cap value stocks aren’t the most glamorous stock picks. They’re not brand names that you’re going to brag to your friends about at cocktail parties. The term “small cap” derives from having a comparatively small market capitalization, meaning that they are companies with fewer shares on the market than major corporations like …

What To Look For When Choosing A Prosthodontist
There are a lot of dentists in the world, but very few–a remarkably low two percent of all dentists, to be exact–are prosthodontists. If you’re facing the task of finding a prosthodontist for your oral health needs, then you should be prepared to put some serious time, effort, and consideration into that decision. After all, …

Mortgage 101: Am I Preapproved or Prequalified?
Have you ever wondered what it meant to be preapproved or prequalified for mortgages? You may have just assumed that those terms were interchangeable, but they’re not. Before you rush out to find your next home, thinking that you’ll have no trouble getting the funds together, take the time to learn how these terms differ …

5 Awesome Places You Can Go to Get Swag From Your Favorite TV Show
Looking for creative ways to display your loyalty to a beloved television series or character? If so, you’re in luck. There are many awesome places you can go to find swag from your favorite TV show. Here are five of them: eMerchandise.com. This site specializes in selling licensed products of all types, and is packed …