Soundproofing 101: What is Flanking Sound?
Sound is more complicated that many people realize. For example, you might think that the sound from another room is coming through the wall as a direct sound. However, the sound may actually be flanking sound. What is flanking sound and what are the most common causes? More importantly, how can you address this noise …

Are Soundproof Sleep Pods in Airports a Good Idea?
Wouldn’t it be nice to get a nap when your flight has been delayed? What about when you’re traveling on the cheap and you have a layover that lasts a few hours? Airports around the world are considering this issue and some have incorporated sleeping pods into their design. Are soundproof sleeping pods really a …

7 Foods You Need to Include in Your Candida Diet Plan
If you know anything about treating Candida overgrowth, then you are probably well aware of the foods you need to avoid if you want to keep Candida at bay. Candida albicans, the fungus that causes systemic Candida infection, feeds on things like sugars, carbohydrates, and alcoholic beverages. You may wonder what is left after you …

7 Reasons You Need to Open a Formal College Savings Plan for Your Child
The days when you could stash loose change in your child’s piggy bank and then put it into a savings account to save for college are, unfortunately, long gone. With college tuition costs rising, and interest rates on savings accounts falling, parents now need better options for saving for their children’s education. If you want …

Bayer Settles Gallbladder Lawsuits Related to Yaz
Bayer has long been under the gun for the amount of turmoil caused to patients taking their birth control Yaz and Yasmin. In one recent case, a woman had to have her arm amputated because a blood clot had killed the flesh in her lower arm. A recent settlement from the company deals with gallbladder …

How to Save Money on Home Improvement Materials This Spring
Spring time is upon us, and that means sunshine, fresh flower blooms . . . and spring cleaning. This is the perfect season of the year to not only organize those cabinets and disinfect every nook and cranny of your appliances, but it is also a great time to conquer some of those home improvement …

Tax Crunch! How to File for an Extension
Does your tax bill have you running for cover? Whether your tax apprehensions are due to a lack of time for all the paperwork or a lack of money to write Uncle Sam a check, you can’t hide out forever. Fortunately, the IRS does make some due date exceptions, as long as you know how …

Should Pope Francis Build Himself a Social Media Presence?
These days, everyone (and their pet) has a social media presence. Even non-human entities like businesses, political campaigns, movies, and nonprofit organizations have social media presences to spread their message, grow their brand, or otherwise bring likeminded people together in the name of a shared interest. Should the new Pope get in on the bandwagon …

Does President Obama Spend Too Much on Vacations?
No one would argue that the job of President of the United States is a high pressure job, and one of great responsibility. America tends to reward those people who stand out as willing and able to shoulder those burdens, but the President’s leisure time spending has some Americans wondering how much is too much. …

Can Social Media Tools Help Families Create Meal Plans?
The Internet is good for a lot of things, and in some unexpected ways. As of late, the web has even taken a seat, so to speak, at our dining room tables to help us get the most out of our family meal time. While many people are turning to the web to use convenient …

Tips and Tricks for Planning Your First African Safari
Are you planning a vacation to Africa and not sure what to expect? Fortunately, African safaris are not as dangerous or scary as they are dramatized to be, and there are some very simple steps you can take to prepare for the best trip possible. Here are some tips and tricks for planning your first …