The Daily Vanguard

BMW Sets Their Wheel Rolling With The New Range Of Electric Cars

Automobiles are big and one needs to stand off their way to see the entire vehicle, but to notice their magic, one needs to look at it from a closer range. While having a close look at the German classic beast, one will find that they’ve invested considerably on the new technologies that are integrated in their latest models to give some tough fight to the upstart competitors. Such technologies include the ride sharing service with Uber Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google, which threatens the entire auto industry to turn up side down. With the change in the company’s Chairperson, the brand has determined to bring in a rapid change in the strategy and this definitely promises to increase the sales of BMW in Greensboro NC. The BMW’s old guard failed to match his steps with the latest technological advancements that were going in the market, and this compelled to his replacements. The new chairperson is in touch with the digital economy that is on the surge and promises to drive the model into a completely new era.

The changes that are yet to come, but are already on the boards are far more evolutionary than a mere radical overhaul. The best part for the brand being, there’s nothing new to promise their customers as such. Rather, it promises to reaffirm its existing targets and achieve a greater percentage of profit in the automotive division. Since 2007, this is the largest shift that BMW has made in its strategy, the earlier being building a batter electric urban vehicle.

The third version of the i-Series electric vehicles is on the cards and has been named iNEXT. The car would incorporate an electric power-train, new materials which are much lighter than it was in the earlier models, a self driving mode and an option to the owners that would allow them to drive the car with wheels or handle the wheel with the help of computers. Life is really fast, and to keep in touch with the pace, the vehicle is available with Internet connections. The current i-series consists of the small i3 battery electric urban vehicle and the hybrid i8 sports car- and these models have set the wheels rolling for the brand for pretty long. The latest version of the i3 is going to get a more powerful battery which would definitely let it run for few more miles on road for sure.

The latest buzzword among the auto executives of international standards is the mobility service that BMW holds. Although there is not too many updates regarding it in the current year, but the developers have promises to look forward to it soon enough. The experts of BMW repair in Greensboro states that the next new thing in the auto technology is equipping the interior with much more digital devices and enhancements and developing the services outside the car. Uber has been providing tough competition to BMW in the recent days and they want to fend them off straight in the market.

In order to pay off the investment in the market of electric vehicles that’s still fledging, BMW has decided to roll out more of sports utility vehicles including the full size X7 as well as some of the high end luxury cars like the 7-series in the Sedan model. The brighter days for BMW seems to be lying ahead.