The Daily Vanguard

Care For Your Eyes

Traveling places and having an enjoyable experience demands you be in good health. As you need to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays, same goes for the eyes too. When your skin needs to be covered with sunscreen lotion and sprays, your eyes too need to be pampered by a better protective covering. It is after all the most vital and the most delicate of all human sense organs.

This is where sunglasses come to your rescue. You can pick any from a local store, but for best effective shield from the harmful effects of the glaring sun, Oakley Sunglasses online become indispensible.

Oakley Sunglasses

Oakley Sunglasses online has had years of privilege of taking care of its customers. It has catered to the needs of sportspersons as well as travel buffs, with its wide range of goggles and eyewear. Though the main focus of the brand Oakley is on the requirements of various sportspersons in various fields, its sunglasses are designed keeping in mind other passionate people too.

Shopping a couple of shades for different occasions from here is therefore, a guaranteed way of fun. Choosing from its wide range makes for quite a memorable shopping experience.

A small note to the interested buyers- there are a lot of fake ones are available in the market with the copy and paste of the brand name and signature. These duplicates do not protect your eyes the way an original branded one does. So check twice before buying, lest you should buy just a replica. Best way to judge is to look at the lenses carefully in a lighted place. The look, feel and texture gives you the idea about its originality.

Second, look for the logo and try well to find if it is faulty. Third, check and judge the model numbers and the signature. This is the mark of authenticity. Then you can enjoy your buying experience.


  1. Oakley sunglasses protect the eyes from the bright sun and prevent that momentary loss of vision, in places like the beach, or desert, etc, especially when you have forgotten to carry a broad- brimmed hat.
  1. They prevent the glare- reflection from polished surfaces and mirrors- on a hot summer day from hurting the eyes.
  1. They provide the much required UV protection. UV rays do a lot of damage to the eyes. A certain study says that using sunglasses early in life reduces the risk of having cataracts later in life.
  1. Even on cloudy days UV rays are present in the atmosphere. So it’s better to wear them matching with the day’s attire.
  1. They are a must for sore and irritable eyes as they provide comfort and a relief from the uncomfortable pain. They help in rejuvenating the eyes, removing that weary and tired feeling from the eyes.
  1. It’s most definitely a better option than the various contact lenses.
  1. It protects the eyes from different infections. Several times water sports causes eye infections if we don’t use a good eye gear. Water borne or air borne bacteria irritates the eyes for days. So proper care is required to prevent it.
  1. It also protects from slow blindness and many forms of eye cancer too.

So take care of your eyes earlier on, in life.

Cherry Jones is a blogger and article writer who takes up different freelance assignments from different websites.