Finance & Money

Best Investment Options In 2016 For Beginners
Investing your money in the right places can help you keep it safe as well as get an income out of it. Insurance products like ULIPs, life Insurance and health insurance plans also come with tax exemption benefits. There is no dearth of investment plans in the market; they come with different benefits and varied …

Tips For Managing Credit Cards!
Managing credit cards payments effectively is not difficult if you have the right knowledge but most people are finding it hard to manage such payments in the current economic climate. Most financial experts explain that while most people have thousand of excuses for this, they can easily avoid such problems by observing simple rules that …

Financial Guidance At Its Best
You will come across many individuals that are not very confident about planning their savings and finances and end up not thinking about their rainy day. It is but natural that every single person wants to have a secured future for themselves and their loved ones. But not everyone is skilled enough to take …

The Power Of Commercial Due Diligence Services
For aspiring companies looking to expand, develop and achieve, few things are as important as Commercial Due Diligence services. When it comes to big financial risks, these are one of methods you can count on for reliable results and highly-needed information during important decisions. What Is Commercial Due Diligence? The best way to summarise Commercial …

ITIC Is Committed To Foster A Rich and Healthy Global Economy Tomorrow
Embarking on its industrious journey in 1993, International Tax and Investment Center was intended to provide research-based ideas and knowledge to its client countries to help them mobilize inland resources effectively and efficiently, foster the investment potential areas and pursue a global standard tax system to sustain and grow in the globalized economy. As of …

Why Should You Hire A CPA’s Service For Tax Return Filing
In the United States, Certified Public Accounts or CPAs are federally licensed by the respective authorities after successful completion of the CPA course. The curriculum is designed to make professionals aware of the American Tax procedures based on which they can offer specialist services to businesspersons, professionals or non-profit societies in connection with their tax …

How To Decide On An Insurance Company
Insurance is something that is very important for people to have. In fact, it is the law in the United States that every driver have auto insurance. People are bombarded with insurance ads every time they turn on the TV or radio. How do you decide which of these companies is the best when it …

Virtual Consulting Helps You Save Money In These 7 Incredible Ways
If you are looking to get maximum satisfaction for your business needs then virtual consulting is just right for you. When you make use of the services of virtual consultants you avail yourself with cost saving opportunities that are second to none. Here are 7 Incredible Ways by which virtual consulting can help you save …

The Specific Business Practices Of A Private Equity Investment Firm
You may have often heard the phrase that a private equity investment firm is basically as good as its business practices and it is also common that many individuals think it is not entirely the case. But private equity investment expert Rob Joubran, very much confirms that a firm which operates in the field of …

Is Funding Available For Business Owners With All Types Of Credit?
When it comes to financing, your credit score is of utmost importance as that is the three-digit score which speaks about your financial creditworthiness. A high score will mean financial diligence in the past and a poor credit score will mean just the opposite. If you have a good credit score, chances are high that …

5 Key Facts About RL360°’s Quantum Savings Product
Quantum from RL360° is a popular savings product that offers you the opportunity to grow your wealth over the medium to long term. However, before you invest your money in it, it’s important to understand exactly what it is and how it may benefit you. With this in mind, here are five key facts you …

Global Negative Interest Rates What They Mean For You
A negative interest rate seems to be something that is more theoretical than possible, but, unfortunately, it is not only possible it is happening. The whole reason people put their money into a bank is to earn interest on it, but with a negative interest rates, the only reason banks exist is to keep money …