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Anyone who has visited India knows that there are certain things that this country does particularly well;as well as being a country of immense diversity in terms of culture, religion, language and ideologies, it is also one of beauty, enormity, heritage and history. It celebrates hundreds of festivals every year and there is hardly a …

An ordinary cake can end up looking highly appealing if you place it on a three tier pedestal. A three tier cake stand is of the ideal height to make your cake look attractive – it is neither too low nor too high. Hence, depending on the design of your cake pedestal, you can figure …

Eating and driving is one of the main factors in causing car wrecks, fender benders, and car accidents. Eating and driving has become popular in recent years because of how quickly society is moving. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done. Unfortunately, people have been …

A fruit basket is a gift for the health conscious one. Nowadays, the world is moving from sweets and biscuits to gifting fruit baskets. The fruit basket is a much healthier and more appealing to the eye gift than the old box of sweets and chocolates. A fruit basket is a hearty splurge of various …

One of the uses for a scale that has become more and more popular in the last few years is the food scale. With the ever more trending message of getting fit and healthy, people are taking it seriously and understanding that portion plays a huge part in how you lower or maintain a healthy …

Tea is a beverage that is preferred by people all over the world for its medicinal properties as well as its great taste. Different types of tea include black tea, oolong tea, green tea, herbal tea, etc. They have caffeine in them and also anti-oxidant properties that helps to flush out the toxins from inside …

We may have occasionally picked up a few wind-fallen apples and those juicy crunches could transport us back to our childhood years when we played on orchards. In fact, those foraged apples may taste much better with their bursting flavour, goodness and flavour. As comparison, many apples in the supermarkets don’t have the texture, crunch …

One of the best sources of fiber is edible beans and they are important parts of our diet. Fiber is good for our digestion system and it could protect us in ways that many of us don’t fully understand. High-roughage foods clean up our digestive system and reduce our chance of contracting potentially fatal illnesses, …

There have been plenty of buzz about the benefits of fish oil. Studies have shown multiple health benefits of fish oil. However, there are actually some bad effects of fish oil, but some of them are preventable. Some fish oils are sold in liquid or in capsules. For this reason, we should avoid exposing them …

In general, honey is available in liquid form, but we can find other honey-related products in the market. They could be obtained through natural means or subsequent processes. 1. Chunk honey: It’s comb honey with poured liquid honey. It is usually available in mouth-sized shapes. 2. Creamed honey: It is consisted of 90 percent of …

There are many different types of honey in the market and some of the most special kinds are produced in specific locations. Honey is a common type of liquid food and it is produced in nearly all countries. Each country offers its own unique types of honey and it can be influenced by the species …

In our fast-paced lifestyle, many of us don’t really think about food. We just eat it simply to fill our belly. We eat when we are hungry and we don’t really think what we want or should eat next. In general, enjoying food should part of our lives. We shouldn’t just eat and we need …