
If you are a work at home mom, physical fitness is not only good for your body but also your mind. Staying in shape increases your energy while improving your state of mind, enabling you to accomplish more. Getting an exercise routine running can, however, be a daunting task especially when you have kids to …

Smoking: The Risk of Blindness
Smokers are twice as likely to have problems with age-related macular destruction, the major cause of blindness in the older people. Scientists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine analysed data from more than 4,000 Britons who were 75 years old or older and who took part in a wide-scale study on health …

Senior Home Care : Worst Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Caregiver
When your loved one senior or an adult relative reach the stage of needing a complete day caregiver, you cannot afford to make any wrong decision. As your parents took care of you, finally it’s your turn to take care of them now. If you are working and because of the busy schedule you cannot …

Why Couple Therapy Can Help In All Types Of Relationship Problems?
When we imagine a couple therapy session, we picture it as if one of the partner has discovered that his or her spouse was actually cheating on him or her and that is why, they are not able to continue like earlier or the spark is gone now. Well, couple therapy is an effort to …

Chemotherapy And Surgery In India
Cancer is defined as a rapid growth of cells that intrude and damage the surrounding tissue. Oral cancer as the name suggests deals with the mouth and its organ. It appears as a swell or sore in the mouth that doesn’t go away easily. Cancer involves in its umbrella the cancer of lips, tongue, cheeks, …

The Effective and Scalp Cleansing Dandruff Shampoos For Women
Here you can read about the details of the good dandruff shampoo for women. Every woman desires to have a clean haircut and look smart. It is rare to have the best antidandruff shampoo in the market which can clean the hair completely and stop the recurrence of dandruff. The shampoo acts best without causing …

Things To Be Aware Before You Hire An ENT Specialist?
The choice of a doctor for yourself and your family does not happen to an easy one. It has to a well informed decision. If time is at a premium the choice of an ENT hospital in India does go on to assume a lot of importance as well. Let us make that decision a …

Get Faster, Sexier, Leaner, Stronger, Leaner, And Recover Quicker With These Delightful Picks.
IT’S TRUE. We all really are what we eat and drink. And that’s why in some days we wind up feeling like a cream stuffed Twinkie as opposed to that fine cut of beef we wish for. I bet you already know this and that’s why like the rest of us, you are more than …

Miracles Of Mint On The Well Being
Recognitions by a special refreshing aroma and exceptional healing properties, mint is a very popular plant that is used in cosmetology, perfumery, distillery, confectionery, traditional and folk medicine, as well as in cooking. Mint is a genus of plants of the family. Mint is a highly aromatic plant, due to the presence in its composition …

6 Smarter Ways to Drink More Water
Beauty companies try to sell us products to make our skin look its best, but doctors suggest the real miracle cure is cheaper. Improving your skin is as simple as drinking more water. Well-hydrated skin is smooth and glowing. It’s also less prone to flakiness, irritations, and acne. Health experts recommend drinking at least eight …

Eyelid Surgery – Get A Refreshed and Youthful Look
A Selection of this very cosmetic surgery contains eyebrow lifts and eyelid surgery The reason due to which eyelid surgery in Melbourne is really much popular among the people is that this surgery can quickly remove the sagging skin above the eyes as well as the bags which forms below the eyes of a person …

Dont Starve Your Self Health and Fitness
Don’t starve yourself. Start performing yoga. Ever seen a chocolate lava cake with the chocolate sauce dripping from it making your mouth water and your lips dry? Your eyes fixed on only one thing, the cake. Then, you touch your belly to assure it that this blessing from God will soon be inside it but …