The Daily Vanguard

Does Zantac Cause Cancer?

Zantac has long been a widely used medication and is very commonly prescribed and used for the treatment of ulcers and the relief of heartburn. Zantac is an effective H2 blocker medication that millions of people worldwide have used. While Zantac is able to provide some benefits in the short-term, there are some side effects that come along with it such as constipation, fatigue, headaches, stomach pain, and vomiting. These moderate side effects usually subside after a few weeks of being on the medication.

While these side effects are considered moderate, there have been recent reports of more severe side effects and issues stemming from the prolonged use of Zantac. There has been speculation that Zantac is tied to an increased chance of developing cancer. While it is never fun to have to deal with medical issues as a result of a medication that was supposed to make you better, there are times when it must be done.

If you are suffering from cancer as a result of Zantac or you believe that the drug may have played a role in severe diseases and side effects that you now suffer from, then you might choose to file a Zantac lawsuit and find a reputable attorney to seek damages.

Proof of Zantac and Cancer

For several years, Zantac has been widely used and trusted medication. However, concerns started to arise about it when they pointed out the flaws in a rival competitor’s version of the drug. They claimed that the testing methods of another corporation were not compliant, and upon further digging, it was discovered that both Zantac and the rival medication had higher than acceptable amounts of NDMA.

Though NDMA might not sound like the most intimidating ingredient, there have been many studies done by reputable colleges, universities, and organizations across the world to suggest that there is a link between NDMA and cancer. There have been serious concerns about Zantac and its ingredients for years now.

What Cancers are Caused by Zantac

One of the worst and most damaging facts about Zantac and its ties to cancer is that it is known to possibly lead to several different types of cancer, not just one. This means that the use of this drug could have negative effects throughout the body, making it much harder to treat. Those who most commonly file a suit against Zantac suffer from the following types of cancer:

Not only are these cancers dangerous because they are spread across various parts of the body, but they also are dangerous because many of them don’t involve any symptoms early on in the first stages of the cancers. There are many times when patients are diagnosed long after what is considered a suitable window for a high chance of recovery.

If you have developed cancer or other health conditions as a result of the drug, then your first move should be to get in touch with a reputable attorney that you can trust to help you file a Zantac lawsuit. With a partner by your side, you can regain the financial resources that this prescription drug took from you as a result of cancer.