Everything You Need To Know About Madhubani Traditional Art

Everything You Need To Know About Madhubani Traditional Art

The traditions of Indian Painting can be traced since we have started developing an understanding about our surroundings. In past decades, Indian painting was a common practice among many households, where people generally paint their homes and walls with wonderful natural scenes. You can feel an aesthetic pleasure from the ancient art. Originated from the rich Indian heritage, Madhubani is one of the great traditional Indian arts that still remains in the collection of present art connoisseurs. This form painting is widely known for its liveliness and style, andis prevalent in Bihar, Nepal and Terai.

Beginning of Madhubani Paintings

Madhubani painting was originated in Maithali, which is a small village located in Bihar state of India. At the beginning, womenfolk of the village drew arts on their home walls, which beautifully depicts their thoughts, dreams and hopes.With the passage of time, these paintings started playing a vital role in festivals, special events, marriages, etc. Gradually, the Madhubani painting style crossed the traditional boundaries and started to create footprint across modern day arts, both national as well international level.

How Madhubani Art is Completed?

Mithila painting is created with the help off in gers, twigs, nib-pens, and match sticks. Most of the eye-catching Madhubani art illustrates men and theirassociation with nature, scenes,goddess and goddesses who belongs to ancient epics.In this art style, natural objects such as plants, sun, moon, and social events are also represented, which are appreciated widely all over the world. These appealingpaintingspossess a very unique style, geometrical patterns and vibrant colorsthat attract viewer’s attention.You can easily identify Madubani art because there is no space in the paintings left uncovered. Typically, the paintings comprised of a margin or border, however this will also embellished by geometrical patterns, floral effects and other motifs.

Themes of Madhubani Painting

Themes of Maithili painting in Bihar revolves around Hindu deities such as Lord Krishna, Rama, Lakshmi, Durga, and Saraswati. In addition to this,natural themes constitute the sun, the moon and the religious plants like Tulsi. In present time, the traditional base of plastered mud wall of huts has now been replaced by canvas, cloth, and handmade paper. As the painting have been restricted to a geographical range, the theme and art style has remained the same. Indian Maithali paintings involve three-dimensional images and the colors used in these paintings are extracted from plants. The motifs on which these paintings are created include nature and mythological events. The first ever reference to this art form dates back to the time of Ramayana, when king Janak ordered the paintings for his daughter’s marriage.

Now, take a glance over some interesting attributes of Madhubani traditional paintings.

  • This art style comes under the Indian folk art. The bamboo stickswrapped with cottonis used as painting brush in this painting method. Art work accomplished with these sticks reflect in the nuances of the painting.
  • Another unique feature of this art form is that Madubani art painters create their own colors. For ex- artists prepare black color by combining cow dung and soot; blue color comes out from indigo; while orange color is derived from Palasha flower; and yellow color is prepared by mixing water with turmeric. That’s why, this art form is also knownas eco-friendly and green art.
  • Some Madhubani traditional paintings also represent local life. It is believedthat different styles in Madhubani painting belongs to different castes.In this, upper caste of higher class women’s style reflect motifs confined to religious symbols and gods, while the image itself exhibits greater sophistry and intricacy in patterns. These paintings are labeled as the Kanchi and the Bharini style of Madhubani traditional Indian art. The upper castesare just revolves around religious or mythological themes, while the lower caste expanded on various themes, displaying day to day life.
  • Madhubani artists are practically not known; a traditional art passed down from one generation women to another generation. A few people consider themselves as artists.
  • One of the interesting things is that Madhubani art is an economical option as well, when you think about home decor.

These uniquely painted artworks are high in demand all across the globe.  If you love these paintings and enthusiastic about collecting traditional Indian art, then you can purchase paintings through online portals at low prices.

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