Find The Best Security Company For Your Business

The world has become increasingly unsafe with vandals lurking in every nook and corner and threats of terrorism abounding. Security is a concern not only for our own person, but it is also a concern for the people, places and things we care about. While most cities do have an efficient police structure, sometimes that is not enough. We are responsible for our own security and therefore it is up to us how we deal with the issue of securing our homes and businesses. The problem of security has become so intense that a lot of companies providing private security have blossomed and thrived in cities around the globe.

Different localities and places require different kinds of security. If you require security for a residential area, a small locality, or a building, you need to know about the types of crimes that are mostly prevalent in that area before you hire the right company to protect it. Certain questions need to be asked before you hire private security. First, what kind of crimes are committed in your area? Is it mostly teenagers vandalising property, or do you run the risk of frequent bodily harm, theft, and burglary? Is there a problem of illegal drugs in your locality, or is it particularly unsafe for women? The intensity of your security depends upon the crime pattern in your locality. On the other hand, a corporate house or an office building requires an altogether different type of security service.

Security Services

Security services generally provide guard or patrol services, and depending on the requirements of the property, the guards can be armed or unarmed. The services that a security company will most commonly provide include bodyguards, guard dogs, and parking securities. In addition to these services, they may also cater to clientele who demand special operations services. Their scope of responsibility is generally the prevention of unauthorised activity or entry, regulation of traffic, access control, detection and prevention of fire, theft, and burglary. They also provide services like roving patrol and guard dogs.

To protect your home, you also have the option to avail electronic home security devices from these companies. Installation of alarms and similar equipment helps to keep a tab on the safety of your home or building even when no one is present.

3 Main Types of Security

The types of security provided by different companies can be broadly classified into three types:

  1. Personal security: Usually for important people and dignitaries, this type of security is expensive and is comprised of armed bodyguards responsible for protecting just one person.
  2. Executive Security: Usually for a group of people, this form of security is preferred by people who travel to different, unknown places that they don’t find reassuring, for business.
  3. Event Security: as the name suggests, it comprises a group of security guards responsible for monitoring everything that happens in an event. It is their responsibility to make sure no unwanted activities take place in these events.

Certain security companies also provide consultancy services. The firms carry out security audits, inspect and understand the current and future requirements of security for their clients, develop a security plan keeping in mind the policies and requirements of their clients, advise on the installation of closed circuit surveillance cameras, fire alarms, and smoke detectors, provide assistance in facility management services and assistance in the strategic positioning of armed guards, and will suggest emergency exits and provide basic training for safety and firefighting to their clients.

Some security firms also offer investigation services. These services are especially useful in casinos, departmental stores, car parks, airports, harbors, and train stations. Investigative services are discreet and they provide solutions for internal and external cases of theft, cheating, and pilfering in the organization that hires them. Sometimes, they may even go undercover to stop thefts and shoplifting.

How to Choose the Right Security Firm

A security firm is as much about business as it is about protection, so negotiating with them is usually easy, but you should still be exceedingly careful when choosing the right one to protect your home or business. A thorough research is advisable before settling on a security company, and there are certain points that you should focus on when searching.

  • Choose a company that has been in business for a fairly long time. Time means stability. It is proof of the fact that the company has successfully taken care of its issues and stood the test of time. A fairly new company always runs the risk of closing shop, which will put the client in a vulnerable position till he can replace the security service. It may also result in monetary losses.
  • Depending on your requirements one can avail the services of either large or medium or small security firms. They all have their share of positives and negatives. Large firms have a large geographical coverage area, a variety of services on offer and can organise staffs quickly. However, their management of security guards may not be direct. Medium firms lack in experience and competitive pricing but they are quite responsive to client needs and comprise staffs trained to handle security at specialised industries. Small firms, though highly responsive to client needs and having competitive pricing, their service area is small and they can have cash flow problems.
  • A security company of your choice should be able to provide both traditional guard services and the modern consultancy and investigative services.
  • Choose a security firm that boasts of ex-military and ex-police officers as their staff members. Staffs trained as such, can handle themselves well in high-pressuresituations and, as is obvious, their training is the best possible.
  • Make sure the security firm you choose is open to both positive and negative client feedback and there is a regular communication between the client and the management of the firm. They should be able to customise their services according to your needs, which may change over time. Pricing is very important as well. One should keep in mind that good security is not cheap and cheap security is not good.
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