
What is the Gaia Hypothesis?
The Gaia hypothesis is theory of enough controversy to drive a substantial number of people nuts in that it posits the notion that Earth is an actual organism endowed with life in much the same way as a human being, an amoeba or a Douglas Fir. In other words, it was given life and …

Analysis and Essay on the Works of William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is the tale of two. A capulet and a Montague. Of the two, in the end none live. There is a moral here that William intends to give. The tale explores Love. Everything has meaning and the iambic pentameter goes far to convey meaning. Nothing is without purpose and Shakespeare takes advantage …

Tips To Academic Writing
Academic writing is a very different form than the spoken English language. Academic writing typically uses longer, more complicated wordage. The writer must convey a specific point and purpose for the paper and the paper in its entirety must prove this point. Facts and figures must be precise and everything must be backed up by …

Best Ways To Edit and Revise Your Research Paper
With the vast technology available publicly, professors are becoming less and less empathetic about mistakes, even if there is almost no way to hand in an error free paper. To come closest to perfection, follow these steps before turning your essays in to the professor. 1. Microsoft Word Spell check/ Grammar check It may never …

How To Write A 5 Paragraph Essay
Writing a 5 paragraph essay can be a difficult task if you are unsure how to begin, especially if the topic. Writing an essay can be made into an easier process by creating an outline to organize the information that will be in the essay. There are three basic parts of an essay, an introduction, …

New Study Strategy For A New Year
Probably, all students had, at least once, a strange feeling when they got their marks back from college or university that and don’t have the results they were expecting for. It is great when these results are better and you are just surprised or make a conclusion that you were really efficient this semester. However, …