Using Imagery to Push a Sales Pitch

When making a sales pitch, you need to keep your audience fully engaged in the hope that it will lead to a sale. Plenty of such pitches are boring and ineffective, but yours doesn’t have to be that way.

Take a look at the following for a few ideas on how you can make your sales pitch more exciting by making it stand out from others.

Use eye-catching images

The visual presentation might be the most important part of your pitch so including some stunning imagery can positively affect an audience and create a good impression of you and your brand.

Simplify your presentation by limiting each slide to a handful of key words and use relevant images to support the text. Check online stock photo websites for eye-catching images that will work effectively with your pitch. Be sure to browse photos here to find professional high-quality imagery to enhance your presentation.

Keep your audience engaged after your pitch by handing something out. That can range from detailed professional brochures to unique swag items, which should match your brand image and the nature of what you are selling. When you give out something that is interesting and informative it acts as a physical reminder of your presentation to keep you in the mind of the audience.

Creating graphic design with appeal

Choosing the right photos for your presentation and materials is as important as choosing the right language. Think of your pitch as a brief outline of summarized talking points with visual elements to illustrate the consistent and flowing story that is being told. Placing the emphasis on visuals and minimizing the wording has been proven to be successful. In fact, one of the most influential marketers once said that the headline is often all that people read.

When creating visuals remember to maintain graphic consistency. By using the high-quality images in your presentation slide show and the leave-behind materials, you improve recall and recognition among your audience. Remember to include basics, like contact information, consistently once in each piece, so they can get in touch when they are looking to make a purchase.

Create mental visuals with language

Include descriptive persuasive language to build a mental image. The brain responds positively to words like “new” and “free” as long as they are mentioned subtly and infrequently. Asking your audience to imagine something specific about using your product or service requires them to picture life after making the purchase.

Use sensory words to describe sight, touch, sound, and smell related to your product or service in detail to immerse your audience in what you are selling. Include these words when describing whether your product is sturdy or flexible, steady or fast, textured or smooth, sweet or savory, and so on. That helps your audience create mental imagery of the tactile nature of your product.

Make a sales pitch interesting

A good sales pitch looks easy when done by an expert, but that’s because it was well thought-out, expertly planned, and presented with confidence. The most impressive pitches involve some creativity on the part of the presenter.

Make your pitch visually interesting by using appropriate body language and gestures. Avoid crossing your arms, and instead gesture to your slideshow or handout materials. Whether you like it or not, your appearance is part of the visual landscape of your presentation.

Stick to your theme. Repeat the most important benefit of your product or service to reinforce your believability. Choose one benefit and repeat it about three to five times to ensure that your audience retains your biggest selling point. That also helps give your presentation a structure and a recurring theme for your visuals.

Engage with your audience

  • Keep everyone in your audience alert and interested by engaging with them. Consider who will be in your audience and prepare a few ways to interact with them during the presentation.
  • Ask your audience members questions related to your presentation. You should be prepared with answers to questions that you think you will be asked and preemptively include the answers in your presentation.
  • Search forums where people discuss your brand or product to learn why they bought it, what they considered before buying, and any concerns they had. Read and learn about those so you can get into the mind of your audience and prepare for questions during your presentation.
  • Speaking in second person and maintaining eye contact with your audience engages the listener. Use the word “you” to engage your audience and to come across in a more personal way. Remember that you are interacting with individuals, not lecturing them.

From choosing professional images in your presentation and materials to using appropriate body language, there are several positive ways to enhance a sales pitch. Remember that your presentation information and imagery should emphasize each other to create an attractive, professional, and interesting experience for an audience that is likely to result in sales.

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