The Daily Vanguard

Website Design Trends Of 2015 – Our Predictions

Website design is undergoing a revolutionary transformation. Year of 2015 is all set for a dramatic shift in website design with modern design trends being eagerly adopted by a majority of the companies and businesses. You are always best to experiment with complete bespoke web design in order to get the most modernised website possible. Here are our predictions for website design trends in 2015.

Responsive Web Design

According to a leading web analytic company, mobile browsing now represents 28.5% of Internet usage as of September 2014. This number is likely to grow further in the coming years. As the mobile usage grows further, websites that are written specifically for traditional desktops will be in a disadvantageous position as they are too hard to navigate on mobile devices. Modern websites are now using a design concept called Responsive Web Design that automatically adapts a page to the size of the screen, which looks elegant and fitting to the screen width without having to zoom in or out, thereby increasing user satisfaction. For more information on responsive web design see e-Fox’s responsive web design which has a complete guide to how it works.

Hero Graphics and Backgrounds

Long mastered by Apple, large hero images placed at a prominent location on the page would immediately catch user’s attention when combined with the right combination of text. Another trend that is taking place involves large, beautiful images and videos used as the background. We predict that this trend would continue in 2015 as well.


Typography is now receiving a greater attention in web design with the emergence of web fonts. Large, rich, beautiful web fonts used for websites provide a consistent appearance regardless of the browser and platform used. Leading companies and startups are now venturing into web font market. Open source web fonts are also becoming very popular, with Google leading the way with its Google Web Fonts. Modern web fonts such as Open Sans and Aktiv Grotesk now replace traditional fonts such as Arial and Helvetica. Other popular rich web fonts include Oswald (great for headlines), Roboto (great for reading), and Trend (considered a fashion font). We predict that there would be a widespread usage of both commercial and open source web fonts in 2015.

Minimalistic Flat Design

Minimalistic design mastered by Apple is now getting momentum everywhere, and we predict that year 2015 would continue that trend as well. With desktops now featuring touch screens, touch friendly design aspects such as flat, material, and card design would be embraced for both desktops as well as mobile devices. Ghost buttons, which seamlessly blend with the background with their stylish look and hover animation support, would be among the things to watch in 2015.

Visual Story Telling

Instead of cluttering the web pages with a lot of text, modern web pages are now expected to contain information that is pleasing to the eyes and interesting to read. Instead of text-heavy paragraphs or super sized blocks of text that are too distracting, the focus would be shifted to creative and visual storytelling and would be a hot design trend in 2015.