The Daily Vanguard

What Are The Different Types Of Rotary Shaft Seals?

With the rise of industrialization, comes the primary concern of safety. For any industrial setting, one of the major threats comes from those devices, which depends on rotational functions. While spinning at a very high speed, the improper fastening of the shafts can cause severe damage to both other machinery and workforce.

For avoiding this kind of workplace disasters, manufacturing corporations use shaft seals. This product is a round-shaped metallic seal, which covers the shaft. The design of the seal ensures that there is no friction between the shaft and the seal. Else, the problem can be more dangerous.

In the manufacturing industry, people use several kinds of rotary shaft seals. Different purposes and designs require various categories of such seals.

What are the different Types?

One can find several designs of seals inside a manufacturing plant. Following are some of the examples of such models:

These are some of the various categories of rotary shaft seals. Though this list in not an exhaustive one, this can give one a fair idea about the different types of seals used in the manufacturing industry.