What Happens In An Eye Exam

It is important for all adults 40 and older to have their eyes examined every 2 to 4 years to check for problems. Those who have a history of eye problems or at risk of developing them should  visit the eye Doctor every year. An eye exam will check for Glaucoma ,Age Related Macular Degeneration, Cataracts and Diabetic Retinopathy.Those younger than 40 years of age should schedule a visit every 2 years unless you have a health condition such as high blood pressure, work in a visually demanding job or take medications that could affect your eyes.

Preparing for Your Appointment

When you schedule an appointment mention any vision problems you’re experiencing. Prepare a list of questions you might have as well as a list of any medications you’re taking. Be prepared to discuss your health history and that of your family as well. When you go to your appointment take and glasses or contact lenses if you use them and sunglasses for the trip home with dilated pupils.

The Exam

The exam can last from half an hour to one hour and it’s likely you will be given all or most of the following tests:

Eye Muscle Movement Test To assure the eyes are normally aligned the Doctor will ask you to visually track in different directions and observe your eye movements, cover test by covering first one eye, then the other this show how well your eyes work together while staring at a target in the distance.

External Exam and Pupillary Reaction The Optometrist in Calgary will gauge the reaction of your pupils to light and objects at a distance. At the same time the Doctor will check the exterior of the eye for things such as the condition of the white of the eye as well as the position of your eyelids.

Visual Acuity Seated in front of an eye chart with letters that get smaller with each row, first with both eyes, then covering each eye in turn you will read until you cannot anymore.

 Retinoscopy Next a light might be shone in your eyes as they flip lenses while staring at a large target such as the large E on the eye chart. As they flip lenses you will be asked if it’s the same, better or worse, or they could use an automated machine called a Refractor, both will assist the Eye Doctor in writing your prescription.

There are further tests beyond these the Optometrist may decide to perform depending on your special concerns, age etc.

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